Build a sustainable IT strategy

Sustainability is essential to consumers and the companies serving them

With sustainability regulations fast becoming a reality for enterprise organizations, prioritization of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) initiatives and sustainable IT efforts are gaining traction globally. Flexera delivers for these organizations as they build and maintain successful, sustainable IT measurement, with insights powered by Technopedia, the world’s most trusted and comprehensive technology data reference catalog.

Identify and initiate

Key sustainability benefits

  • Automated collection of carbon emissions and power ratings aligned to your entire technology estate
  • ESG audit readiness for hybrid servers, infrastructure and end user compute
  • Enable a proactive energy stance for energy consumption and lifecycle of assets
  • Identify unknown assets that may violate corporate energy policy

Evolve IT for ESG

The role of ITAM and FinOps in sustainability

IT sustainability is rapidly evolving. Sustainability for IT asset management (ITAM) and FinOps teams covers an environmentally focused approach to the manufacturing of technology assets, as well as the coordinated effort of technology teams toward efficient usage and proper disposal of those assets (ITAD). IT sustainability is essential to the organization—nearly three quarters of ITAM organizations have a defined sustainability policy or process for hardware assets (Flexera 2023 State of ITAM).

Building a sustainability strategy requires your business to audit current IT practices, set measurable and achievable sustainability goals , implement practices toward meeting those goals and measure effectively to report compliance with regulatory standards. Flexera One tackles IT sustainability requirements with a focus on data center, device and software optimization as well as cloud emissions, providing carbon footprint monitoring and analysis, plus compliance and regulatory reporting across the hybrid IT estate.


Proactively Plan a Sustainable Estate

Empower organizations to turn data into action and reduce environmental impact

IT Visibility Sustainability: carbon based on utilization

Aggregate and visualize carbon emissions data from IT infrastructure and data centers.

The increasing complexity of hybrid IT environments makes IT sustainability challenging for IT teams and organizations. That’s why Flexera arms IT teams with the reliable data necessary to make key ESG decisions—from desktop (laptops, workstations and peripherals) to servers, Flexera focuses on measurement and analysis of your emissions across Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 to determine the factors of your carbon footprint.

One of the best ways to reduce emissions is to extend the useful life of your IT assets, and Flexera One contextualizes and enriches your IT asset data with lifecycle information to proactively plan your estate and get the most out of your assets.

[A] significant development is the inevitable adoption of sustainability into ITAM, most notably driven by Flexera’s work to add carbon footprint data into the Technopedia database. The ability to take a carbon footprint view side-by-side with lifecycle and inventory data is a game changer, propelling ITAM to the forefront of value and data driven decision making.

SVP, IT Financial Services Organization

Power Your Visibility with Technopedia

You can make choices that impact your carbon footprint

From reporting on monthly carbon emissions (MTCO2e—metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) across the hybrid IT estate (on-premises to cloud infrastructure) to understanding time-phased trends, it’s essential your IT organization have the data it needs to adhere to evolving standards, measure effectively and leverage recommendations for carbon emission reduction.

With the power of Technopedia, including hardware specification and lifecycle (EOS, EOL) data, your IT sustainability reporting can become the foundation for organizational ESG efforts.

IT Visibility: sustainability baseline dashboard

Flexera’s data and depth of insight is key to success, as where and how you deploy software matters

Plan, report, deliver

Flexera delivers on your IT sustainability requirements

Aggregate and visualize carbon emissions across your IT estate, while delivering a holistic view from different systems, applications and geographical regions to identify trending areas of improvement.

Analyze and optimize:

  • Break down carbon footprint data by different dimensions such as departments, locations or specific IT assets
  • Customize reporting and analytics capabilities to drill down into specific areas and identify carbon hotspots while comparing and benchmarking carbon emissions across different business units
  • Integrate with data center infrastructure to gather energy consumption and utilization data, then identify opportunities for optimizing data center resources to minimize carbon emissions
  • Leverage Flexera One recommendations for energy-efficient configurations, equipment upgrades or virtualization strategies

Set goals and plan effectively:

  • Set sustainability goals and targets for carbon reduction and track progress in real-time by providing visual indicators to monitor performance
  • Support data-driven decisionmaking for optimizing IT infrastructure and data center operations to achieve sustainability targets and simulate different scenarios to understand the potential impact of carbon emissions
  • Perform "what-if" analysis to assess the carbon footprint implications of infrastructure changes or technology upgrades and evaluate the trade-offs between cost, performance and sustainability objectives

Monitor and report for regulatory compliance:

  • Aggregate and visualize carbon emissions data from IT infrastructure and data centers to deliver a holistic view of the carbon footprint across different systems, applications and geographical regions
  • Track carbon emission trends and identify areas of improvement to comply with environmental regulations and reporting requirements
  • Generate customizable reports and documentation for audits, sustainability certifications and stakeholder communications while delivering visibility into the organization's sustainability efforts.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to reducing the carbon footprint