IT Asset Management Software (ITAM)

Discover all your enterprise’s assets wherever they are

IT Asset Management (ITAM) transforms technology data into actionable intelligence, empowering IT to effectively manage, govern and optimize their hybrid IT estate. With the right asset data, you can discover software and hardware, reduce risk and spend through optimization and control shadow IT.

Move beyond workflows

Eliminate spreadsheet chaos, decrease service tickets, deliver across hybrid IT

Proactive management of technology requires more than workflows. Workflows aren’t going to find missing hardware or calculate license positions for complex software like Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Cloud Paks or Oracle Middleware. Along with automation, you need rich intelligence about how products are licensed, priced and are being used. Flexera automatically calculates your effective license position so you can eliminate spreadsheets and workflows that kick off manual processes.

And in today’s evolving landscapeFinOps Certified of hybrid ITAM and FinOps, combining core components of the FinOps framework to extend and include asset management use cases is essential. With software cost, compliance and risk across cloud, containers, SaaS and on-premises in hybrid IT environments, Flexera is the only platform that offers spend, usage and risk management to Inform, Optimize and Operate in today’s reality. 

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Technology spend by top 5 vendors

Contracts, renewals, leases

Negotiate based on facts

Let’s face it: software and hardware contracts are opaque. It’s hard to know what all the use rights really mean and how you’re going to stay in compliance or avoid fines. With Flexera One, you’ll have the visibility and insights you need to rightsize contractual agreements and optimize renewals. Flexera’s extensive product use rights libraries, with more than two million entries, enable you to report your effective license position and take the complexity out of vendor agreements. You don’t need to be a lawyer or mathematician to have the upper hand anymore.

Usage data

Use what you have, buy only what you need

With technology spend efficiency, you can find unused, under-used and redundant technology in your environment so you can meet demand with your existing supply. Flexera One’s automated reclamation process removes unused software, so you don’t buy more when you already have unused inventory. Flexera One’s IT Asset Management software automates the IT asset lifecycle so you can quickly find assets that are available, in storage, up for renewal, or coming off lease/warranty. By gaining visibility into underutilized assets, you have the insights to negotiate contracts and control IT spend based on actual usage.

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Estimate how much your organization has paid over the past three years as a result of audits by software vendors

Manage risk proactively

Sail through vendor and regulatory audits

ITAM is the first line of defense as vendor audits, regulatory compliance and security threats dominate your risk exposure. With consistent, clean, complete and accurate data, you avoid messy vendor and compliance audits. When you're informed about what is in the environment, you can quickly determine your level of financial and security exposure. When the auditors come knocking, you’ll have all the information you need to fend them off and avoid unbudgeted audit expenses.

Digital transformation

Gain visibility and insight into your hybrid IT environment

Wherever you are in your digital transformation journey, Flexera One gives you real-time insights on your IT assets that need to be modernized, migrated or retired. Make better decisions with a unified view of your IT landscape across on-premises, SaaS and cloud. Now you can focus on aligning IT with the business and use the power of your IT assets to transform your technology portfolio effectively.

Flexera One technology spend dashboard

IT asset management capabilities

IT asset management that makes the exponential manageable

Dashboard Softwarelizenzmanagement

Obtain a clear SaaS picture to rein in spend

ServiceNow, Salesforce, Workday, Microsoft. What if you could shave off even a few percentage points from your SaaS costs for all of them? With Flexera One, you get a current and complete picture of SaaS usage to support your business stakeholders while optimizing SaaS spend with all your vendors. Flexera One enables you to take action by discovering shadow SaaS, removing redundant applications and optimizing subscriptions based on actual usage automatically. 

Dashboard Softwarelizenzmanagement

Optimize software from on-prem to cloud

Your software portfolio is quickly expanding into private and public clouds with BYOSL. At the same time, Microsoft is creating hybrid use rights and IBM is offering Cloud Paks. And we thought capacity-based licensing in the data center was hard. You need more than a workflow to optimize your software spend and mitigate audit risks—that’s where Flexera One comes in. Unlike other software asset management tools out there, Flexera One is the only SAM solution to solve the exponentiality of licensing. It possesses the depth, breadth, algorithms and automation required to truly create a trusted and accurate license position.

Hardware Asset Management Graph

Maximize your hardware investments no matter where they are

The remote workforce brought on new challenges and amplified the need for hardware asset management. Flexera Ones helps you make critical hardware lifecycle decisions to support user productivity, business continuity and make the most of your hardware investments. Enabling you to manage the hardware you own or lease, no matter where it is.

Success story

Brewing better IT visibility for a global beer giant

Carlsberg’s ITAM team faced several obstacles from a lack of visibility into its global IT assets, including challenges with planning, financial transparency and baseline, risk in legal compliance and incomplete entitlement data.

Read the case study

Within the first year,
Carlsberg saved over $400,000
in maintenance, running costs, support fees and license costs

2024 State of ITAM Report


How do organizations feel wasted SaaS spend has changed in the past year?




Stayed the same



View the full 2024 State of ITAM Report

*Figures have been rounded to the nearest integer.

IT Asset Management

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Frequently asked questions

What is an IT asset?

An IT asset is hardware or software within an information technology environment. These components are used for the storage, management, control, display and transmission of data, among others.

What is IT asset management software?

IT asset management (ITAM) software is a program designed to record and track the lifecycle of all IT assets in an organization.

How does ITAM help with cybersecurity?

IT asset management solutions enable the monitoring, tracking and management of who and what is in your IT infrastructure. This allows you to understand what components are accessible to whom and adjust manager control wherever necessary.

With an ITAM system, you can also better grasp the end-of-life and end-of-service intrusion points of your assets, which can help you keep your IT estate up-to-date and ready to combat any issues.

Why is it important for ITAM to include both hardware asset management (HAM) and software asset management (SAM)?

While hardware and software assets operate in different areas and are used in distinct processes, ITAM should include both HAM and SAM. Two components are interlinked–businesses can’t make SAM tools efficient without HAM technology.

Additionally, HAM is attached to SAM by way of software licenses, license reclamation, etc. Understanding the connection between the two service features can help you more efficiently manage your asset lifecycle and maximize your technology investments. For example, HAM and SAM insights can help you figure out the right sizing for licenses.

What is the difference between a CMDB and ITAM?

While similar, ITAM and configuration management database (CMDB) differ in purpose and goals. ITAM intends to provide an overview of IT assets, particularly concerning their lifecycle, to minimize security risks, reduce costs, maximize the business value of technology and make IT-related decisions easier.

CMDB, on the other hand, is a centralized repository (sort of like a filing system) used to store all of the data of an IT environment. It allows organizations to monitor, track and manage all IT assets in one place, and because it can exhibit relationships between these features, it is extremely valuable in IT decisions.

Ideally, both ITAM and CMDB should work together when managing the organization's systems. ITAM is concerned with the process of acquiring, utilizing, and disposing of assets. And while these techs are installed, CMDB records everything at play to deliver value back to the company.

How do ITAM and ITSM differ?

ITAM is a process that accounts for the planning, acquisition, utilization, maintenance and disposal of IT assets. IT service management (ITSM), on the other hand, is an approach for designing, delivering and managing how an organization uses its IT assets.

ITAM’s goal is to optimize workflows and minimize costs by keeping hardware and software up to date. Meanwhile, ITSM is meant to ensure that the right processes, people and tech are in place so a company can meet its vision.

What is Hybrid ITAM?

Hybrid ITAM is a type of software that combines features of ITAM and financial operations (FinOps) systems. This service addresses the overlap between the two and provides the tools and education for IT cost optimization.