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CSO Australia

Vendors share blame when users' systems stay unpatched too long: vulnerability report

Poor notification, updating practices push many users to put patching in too-hard basket
Information Security Buzz

Increase in Available Security Patches + Decrease in Patch Rates = Broken Software Supply Chain

Annual Flexera Vulnerability Review Shows 81 Percent of All Vulnerabilities Had Available Patches, Yet Common Software Programmes Remain Unpatched
The Register

Most of 2016's holes had fixes the day we knew about 'em. Did we patch? Did we @£$%

Patching rates went down in 2016 despite an increase in availability of security patches, according to a new study out today.
Beta News

Decrease in patch rates points to broken software supply chain

Vulnerabilities in software are at the heart of many security problems, providing a foothold for hackers that they can use to gain access to systems.

SC Magazine

Spoil software supply-chain hack attacks with preventative measures

Vincent Smyth discusses how the malware operation dubbed Kingslayer shines even more light on the dysfunctionality of endangering enterprises.
Security Brief AU

Australia’s vulnerabilities unmasked as survey reveals top unpatched & old programs

Australians may be exposing themselves to danger every day without realising it - purely because of the programs on their computer, a new study from Secunia Research at Flexera Software has found.

Unpatched and End-of-Life Software Remains a Risk, Report Says

Flexera Software found that in the U.S., 7.4 percent of programs on the average PC have reached End-of-Life and are no longer patched by the vendor.

Unpatched and End-of-Life Software Remains a Risk, Report Says

Flexera Software found that in the U.S., 7.4 percent of programs on the average PC have reached End-of-Life and are no longer patched by the vendor.
Beta News

PCs still at risk from end-of-life programs

The latest software vulnerability report from Secunia Research at Flexera Software reveals that the average US private PC user has 75 installed programs on their PC, 7.4 percent of which are no longer patched by the vendor.
Cambridge Network

6.7% of programmes on private UK PCs are end-of-life and no longer patched

The average private user in the UK has 72 programmes installed on their PC, and 6.7 percent of them are End-of-Life programmes that are no longer patched by the vendor, according to a new report by Secunia Research for Flexera Software.
Dark Reading

End-Of-Life Software Alive and Well On US PCs

7.5% of users ran unpatched Windows operating systems in Q4 of 2016, up from 6.1 percent in Q3 of 2016, new study shows.
Info Security Magazine

Unsupported Software Exposes UK PC Users

Around 7% of programs on the average UK user's PC are unsupported and unpatched, leaving them exposed to exploits, according to the latest data from Flexera Software.
Information Security Buzz

6.7 percent of programmes on private UK PCs are end-of-life and no longer patched

The average private user in the UK has 72 programmes installed on their PC, and 6.7 percent of them are End-of-Life programmes that are no longer patched by the vendor.
IT Pro Portal

Private PCs in the UK full of end-of-life programmes

Unpatched end-of-life programmes with vulnerabilities are attack vectors hackers can exploit.
Tech Radar Pro

How many vulnerable apps are on the average PC? Way too many

Unpatched end-of-life applications are a big problem
Tech Recur

6.7 Percent of Programmes on Private UK PCs Are End-of-Life and No Longer Patched, According to New Secunia Research at Flexera Software Country Report

The average private user in the UK has 72 programmes installed on their PC, and 6.7 percent of them are End-of-Life programmes that are no longer patched by the vendor.
Network World

7.4% of software on PCs are past end of life

The apps are no longer patched and thus vulnerable to exploitation

6.7 percent of programmes on private UK PCs are end-of-life and no longer patched

The average private user in the UK has 72 programmes installed on their PC, and 6.7 percent of them are End-of-Life programmes that are no longer patched by the vendor.
Chicago Inno

Introducing the 2017 Tech Madness Finalists

Here's everything you need to know about the bracket.